Friday, May 13, 2011

sleep like a baby

The idea that someone would want to "sleep like a baby" seems totally ridiculous during the first few months of a newborns life. They sleep off and on all day and night with little regard for daylight or schedule and make functioning through exhaustion an art form that new parents must learn quickly if they want to remain at all sane.

Of course time marches on and they sleep longer stretches and then you start to think that maybe to "sleep like a baby" implies that you have the ability to fall asleep anywhere, anytime and to sleep through all sorts of noises and location changes. I mean, Asa can fall asleep in my arms and stay asleep through transfers to his crib to his carseat and even into daycare. It's impressive what a baby will sleep through. But still is this really the goal? To be able to fall asleep on your couch and wake up in the backseat of your car? Or fall asleep in your bed and then wake up an hour later in a grocery cart at Harris Teeter? Seems a little freaky to me.

Last night, I think we finally stumbled upon what "sleeping like a baby" truly means. At 7:30, just minutes after Asa went to bed, Jeff and I laid down in our bed, headsie-toesies, fully dressed, and fell asleep. We woke up hours later, staggered around the house, locking the front door, closing windows, putting on pj's and were fast sleep again within 20 minutes. Next thing we knew, it was 4:30am and we were doing the quick early-early morning feeding with Asa and again, within 20 minutes, we were all sound asleep until a respectable 6am. For anyone too tired or lazy to do the math, we all slept 10.5 hours last night and we feel fantastic.

I have to say that going to bed before sundown and waking up just after sunrise has got to be as close to heaven as possible and truly I can say that last night, we all slept like babies and we loved it!

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