Wednesday, September 19, 2012

help a mommy out

Two nights ago I came home with Asa after a day at work to a house with two dogs begging to go for a walk. I'd been in the car for over an hour and half by the time I got home. I really wanted a potty break but the dogs seemed like they wanted it more. And the guilt of leaving two poor dogs home all day took over. I leashed them up, set Asa in the stroller and did some Kegels to keep my bladder in check.

Against everything I thought I stood for, I plunked my iPhone down in Asa's lap with Dinosaur Train playing on repeat so that I could make it through the walk without any tantrums or demands from him that he get out and "walk" (which really means he stands stationary in various places for minutes on end before heading in the opposite direction that I want us to go). As we walked my neighbor drove by and saw me struggling with the stroller and the two dogs and the steamy heat of a muggy afternoon. He looked concerned, as if he thought maybe he should stop and offer to help me. But then I think he was afraid it might be an insult to my mothering abilities. Or maybe he was just wise and decided to keep his distance from my toddler/dog/full bladder situation.

At any rate, we made it through the walk but I could never have done without my iPhone and PBS Kids. So thank you to them and apologies to any parent I ever unintentionally offended by claiming that I wouldn't use technology to entertain my child. Clearly, I had never raised a toddler before. And also, if any one ever sees a mom appear to be struggling I beg you, stop and offer to help her.  Odds are she'd let you off the hook while simultaneously really appreciating the concern.