Friday, October 21, 2011

so cute

Asa is about the sweetest, cutest thing I could ever have imagined. The only thing that might be cuter than Asa would be other cute things with Asa. For example, Asa rolling around with a puppy might be even cuter than Asa rolling around on his own. Asa in a pile of leaves would probably up the cuteness level compared to say Asa in a pile of laundry, although that would be cute too ...

In fact its hard to imagine a scenario that involves Asa that wouldn't be cute even if it were otherwise sad or icky. For example, we had to take Asa to the ER for a chest xray, it was late, he was sick and tired and yet he was incredibly cute. Another example from a week or so ago, Asa was in the bath having a great time and then (as if he were reading my mind because I was just thinking how great it is that this had never happened) he pooped in the tub. It was hilarious, disgusting and yes, cute. I mean, you know you are in love with your baby when you think the fact that he has pooped the bath is cute and funny not vomitous and repulsive.

For any readers who don't have kids and think that I am insane for thinking this stuff is cute, all I can say is, two years ago I would have adamantly agreed with you and now, well now Asa owns me and all I can say is, if you have kids than you will see just what I'm saying first hand.