Monday, February 20, 2012


Burwaggie was one of Asa's first words according to my mom and stepdad, Frank. Burwaggie was Asa's word for coffee when he was about 5 months old. I was there and I do remember him looking up at Frank sipping coffee and saying "burwaggie". I didn't expect that it would become a legitimate word in our family vocabulary but somehow, it has. It's not as if we walk around offering guests a hot cup of fresh brewed burwaggie, in fact we don't even have burwaggie everyday ourselves.  But if I were to ask Jeff if there was any burwaggie left, he'd certainly know what I was looking for.

Asa has since developed a new word for coffee: it's 'coffee'. It sounds exactly like our word for coffee and he uses it just as appropriately as he did 'burwaggie'. It's cute to see a toddler talk about coffee. It's a little freaky to see him point to a beer bottle and say 'beer' (we really aren't big drinkers, the kid just remembers everything you tell him I swear). He's usually asleep by the time we break out the vodka for bloody mary's so he hasn't learned any hard alcohols yet, nor does he seem to recognize a wine bottle for what it is. This may be because he often hears me tell him "Don't whine" so maybe he thinks they are the same word and something he should just avoid all together.

I really don't know how his mind works but listening to him talk himself to sleep at bedtime is really a cute way to pass the time. He seems to replay the latest events of his life, talking to his Bunny about lunch (pickle, burger, broccoli) or playtime (color, drawing, truck, police car, race car, digger) or even just who he hung out with or would like to see again soon (daddy, g'ma, pops, midnight). His nightly chat with Bunny & Bear is an interesting window into his mind. Last night I listened to him on the monitor as he said (amongst several other things), I love mommy. I love daddy. His last words before falling asleep were "Dokie-dokie" (this is his version of okie-dokie).

Having a 19 month old is fun, challenging and less exhausting then having a newborn, but I'll tell you what, a well-timed cup of burwaggie never goes amiss in our lives.