Tuesday, May 17, 2011

goodbyes and hello's

It's been 10 months and one day since Asa was born ... my how time has flown. It's amazing and little terrifying to see how quickly he's growing up. What a transformation from a tiny little guy who just laid around to our solid little guy who crawls, climbs and cruises around the house. Another amazing transformation that deserves some recognition would be me & my body. Hot damn, how things have changed!

Here is a quick run-down of things I've said goodbye in the last 10 months:

Goodbye: 40 lbs of baby weight, all you can eat buffets, midnight feedings (for me, not the baby), Häagen-Dazs caramel cone ice cream, chocolate chip cookies, McDonalds, maternity clothes, cute shoes my feet are too wide for now, extreme emotional mood swings, size 12, 10 and 8 jeans, engorgement, breast pads, conspicuous wet spots on my shirt, multiple mid-night feedings (for the baby this time).

Now a few things I've recently said hello to after so long of being apart:

Hello! pre-pregnancy jeans (size 2, I'm sorry, I'm giving you away this weekend, we shall never meet again), high heels, sleeping through the night, my sense of humor, clavicles, calf muscles, abs, a sincere desire to look hot, baby-fever.

As you can see, the list of goodbyes primarily revolves around food, and oh, I miss the eating! But every little bit of ab that over takes the flab makes it worth the heartache of missing my old preggo foods. And hey, as my final "hello" item reminds me, I'll have my shot at pigging out with reckless abandon again someday!

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