Friday, June 17, 2011

Baby Steppin'

Who remembers "What About Bob"? Great movie, right? I mean, who doesn't hate Richard Dreyfuss in that movie and who doesn't love Bill Murray and his "baby steppin' down the hall, baby steppin' into the elevator"? Great stuff right!?

Well, we over in Familyville VA are proud to announce that we've got a little baby stepper ourselves! This morning, while playing with his dad, our little Asa took two deliberate and independent steps on his own! I was right there but somehow missed the first one and just saw the second little step and it was adorable! Jeff had a front row seat for the show which is great and next time we hope to catch Asa's two step on video.

In related news, Asa also has begun walking while holding onto our hands/fingers, which is new. In fact, last night at his cousin's grad party he walked himself clear across the kitchen while gently clasping my index fingers in either hand. I have to say, watching him grow and learn is the most inspiring and joyful things I have ever experienced.

So, I guess soon I'll be shopping for tiny little shoes for the kid, but not yet, no need to rush anything, he's still just as happy crawling around as he is pushing his little car around. And tomorrow he hits the pool so maybe he'll need flippers before sandals!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Twix and other temptations

Day two (actually we haven't even hit 24 hours yet but whatever) of my new health kick. The update is that around 2pm yesterday I started craving a Twix somethin' awful. So I went to the store to see what sort of "healthy" chocolate bar I could find. Sadly, Twix, Snickers, M&M's and even just a bar of dark chocolate are not what I would consider healthy.

I ventured further into the store and found the diet isle where they had surprisingly large selection of power/fiber/diet bars. Another five minutes spent reading every label and I settled on a Cliff Bar. It was so called "chocolate chip" but in all honesty there were only about 7 morsels of chocolate in the whole bar.


Anyway, I ate it slowly to try and relish every moment. It was good enough that I'd do it again but not so good that I feel it beats out a nice Cadbury's Dark Chocolate.

The good news is the rest of the day was fairly healthy. A chef salad for lunch, lentils and another salad for dinner. Then some chips and dip (but hey, a girl cannot live on salad alone) and then of course some delicious frozen yogurt to wrap the day up.

Oh, and I did 125 crunches so suck it pudgy belly, you are on your way out!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Get in shape girl!

It has been 11 months since Asa was born (as of 2 am tomorrow morning) and I am officially freaking out. Not about how quickly he's growing up, although that is scary, but about my belly.

I mean, wtf? It's been 11 months since he was born. It's been like 20 months since I got pregnant, which means it been close to two years since I had sleek, toned, flat abs. I've got a mommy pooch and it's keeping me up nights.

I think what's even worse than the pooch though are these sickening little round bits of flesh on either side of my waist that can only be described as "love handles".  Well guess what world, I can't handle the handles. I can't handle the pooch.

As of this moment Anna M.K. Lofgren Thorner is on a new health kick, not a diet, a health kick - remember that. The way I see it I have four weeks to get in shape before I'm officially stuck in the mom body for all eternity. I refuse to be a statistic. I will overcome! So, starting now I will let you know what I eat and what exercise I manage to do. It may not be award winning writing but you can give me your hints and tips and stuff and maybe, together, we can get me back to my bikini-body days.

So far today I had a "low-fat" blueberry muffin, an ice decaf with milk, a bowl of raisin bran and a chai and about 30oz of water. And I walked for about 30 minutes around the block with the family this morning, so all in all, off to a good start. Now, if I can avoid the fatty lunch temptation that will be a real triumph ... wish me luck!!