Tuesday, May 10, 2011

best day ever

I somehow totally lucked out in life. Not only was Mother's Day the best day ever (thanks again Jeff for treating me like a queen), but yesterday was another best day ever! Asa and I spent the entire day together doing all sorts of random, normally dull things. We went to Bed Bath & Beyond, we went to Starbucks, we went to Rite Aid, we went for a walk ... Nothing out of the ordinary there. But what made it so great was that Asa is really fun, happy person and that makes him a joy to be around.

He may not smile at every stranger or wave bye-bye on command, but the kid has got a sense of humor to rival any one! I sneeze and suddenly he's in fits of laughter that melt my heart and make me laugh too. We dance-walk our way through a shopping plaza singing a song about (you guessed it ...) dance-walking and we're laughing and giggling and I eventually noticed, attracting a lot of attention from strangers, all of them smiling right along with us. We play with blocks, me stacking them, Asa destroying the towers and it's hilarious. He knocks over a book, I read it, he kisses the pages that have fur sewn into them, I laugh, he smiles and tosses another book at me to read.

Everything he does, he does with joy. Maybe babies should tag along to big international meetings to help bring everyone back down to earth and remind us why we're all here. I'm no expert but I think babies could teach most of us a lot about what's important. For Asa it seems to be that love, cuddles, applesauce, sneezes, birds, dogs, music, tickles and toys are the secrets to a happy life. I would think most of that could translate for adults as well.

Anyway, thanks Asa for a perfect Monday.

1 comment:

  1. I'm having a terrible day but that post made my heart really warm and made me smile. Thanks Asa and Anna :-)
