Friday, April 1, 2011

Seeing is believing

I try to catch a few minutes of the news every morning before Asa and I head out the door, and thank goodness I was watching Fox 5 this morning. The video is almost indescribable so I'll just paste the code in here for you to view yourself, and please do take the time to view it, it's well worth it!

I will say that generally I don't think I'm a person who laughs at others or makes fun of them. I do crack jokes but never maliciously and I feel slight awful about sharing this video because honestly, I'm not sharing it because her dancing was inspirational or beautiful. I'm sharing it because it made me laugh not only because of her outfit, her pirouettes, the balloons tied to her body or the time she tumbles onto her rump, but also because the interviewee can't keep herself from laughing and the news anchors in the studio are dumbstruck about what to say and also can't help but laugh.

It's been a long week and we could all use a bit of laughter so here is my Friday gift to you:


Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Morning Commute

Every day, Tuesday thru Friday, I take Asa to daycare around 9am. The prep work involved in getting us out the door isn't really all that hard but it's a process that involves me doing several double-checks and mumbling to myself and Asa along the way. We've gotten it down to a fairly streamlined routine that usually involves Jeff dropping my work bag and Asa's daycare bag off in the car for me when he leaves. Once that happens and Jeff is out the door, I have about an hour before Asa and I are ready to leave. I honestly don't know how the hour flies by so quickly but I can tell you that in that hour I put on my make-up (often forgetting the mascara which used to be the only weapon in my makeup arsenal), eat something (75% of the time I forget this crucial step), change Asa's diaper and get him into day clothes, nurse him, tuck him safely into some blankets to nap while I: pick up toys, put dirty dishes into the sink, find my socks, possibly remember to put on the mascara I had nearly forgotten, down a glass of Carnation Instant Breakfast (I count this as eating breakfast), bundle myself up with socks, shoes and a jacket (will winter ever end???), and then gingerly add a hoodie and winter hat to my sleeping baby's outfit.

By the time I open the front door, Asa in my arms, wrapped in a blanket, purse falling off my shoulder, other random,  nearly forgotten items clutched uncomfortably between my fingers and car key in hand, the sleeping baby is usually awake and bleary-eyed trying to figure out what's going on. We struggle down the stairs and out to the car where I unlock the car, put my carkey on the roof, open the front door and throw all that random stuff into the front seat.  I then open the backdoor, rest one foot on the door frame to create a seat to balance Asa while I unravel the blanket and move his seat buckles out of the way to set him down. Once I've got him sitting in the seat, I spend a couple minutes struggling to adjust him and the buckles and get him all situated. Lately he's started trying to sit forward to play with the leather of the car's backseat which makes this process all the more tricky. Once he's buckled, I throw the blanket over his feet, introduce him once again to his car toys (little wormy and monkey this week), kiss him, stand up, close the door, walk around the car to the drivers seat, realize I've left the car key on the roof on the other side of the car, walk back, grab the key, walk back around again, get in, turn on the car and start our drive out of the neighborhood. About 90 seconds in I wonder what that rattling sound is and see that my purse is sitting on the trunk (how did that get there?) ... throw the car into neutral, hit the parking break, run out, grab the purse, throw it onto the passenger seat already littered with random stuff, and we're back on track.

You don't even want to hear how I do it all in reverse, coming home, laden with the baby, the diaper bag, my work bag ... it's a testament to the dexterity of Homo Sapiens that I manage this every day. And silly as it may seem it's another way I've realized my life has changed since Asa was born, I can never just walk out and get in the car, it's now an event and a struggle and workout and a balancing act but of course, it's worth it and probably entertains any neighbors who watch me do this day in and day out.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Observation regarding my observation

So it has been brought to my attention that my first blog post might have been "too personal" because I said something like "breasts open doors" or something to that effect. I guess I should clarify. It's not as if I purposefully walk out the door wearing low-cut tops or push-up bras and then flaunt my boobs in order to manipulate men into giving me what I want. What I really meant to say was that men, by their nature (and I suppose lesbians as well though I have no real information to back up this statement) are easily swayed by a woman's breasts and tend to hold elevators, pour a better drink, or just ogle you when you walk down the street. In actuality there is only one time in my life I can remember intentionally using the power of cleavage to get what I needed and in my defense it was a real emergency.

Picture it: a busy train station in Rome, Italy. We have less than five minutes to buy our tickets and find our train before it departs for Florence (from where we will later be departing to Zurich and then to Chicago to be back in class the following day). A very put-out Italian ticket salesman has just spent several minutes being yelled at by a big fat American jerk who couldn't believe the Italian didn't speak any English. Feeling like a jerk myself for not knowing any more Italian than "Do you speak English" I walked up to the window, put on sweetest smile paired with my best Italian accent, leaned over and basically squeezed my girls together to try and soften him up. Turns out the guy spoke perfect English! All it took was a little innocent persuasion that only us females can manage.

So in conclusion, I apologize if my previous post was too personal and I guess this one is also pretty heavy on the boob talk but I swear, it won't happen again. For a while. Probably.


Last night Jeff and I went out to birthday gathering at French bistro in Georgetown. It wasn't out first night out since the baby was born, but it was the first time I actually looked "sexy" in oh, about 20 months or so. Through some miracle the remainder of my baby belly bulge was masked by my trusty old Banana Republic wrap dress, and in fact I think my breastfeeding boobs managed to enhance the overall effect of the dress. I actually needed a safety pin to keep the deep-V neck closed to prevent providing an X-rated show. That's definitely been a perk of having a baby, the boobs might hurt like hell but they sure do open doors and get me the things I want, if only I had the energy to use them to really manipulate men like I used ... I guess B, C, or DDD breasts are breasts and they get us what we want. Thank you God for being such a perv.