Picture it: a busy train station in Rome, Italy. We have less than five minutes to buy our tickets and find our train before it departs for Florence (from where we will later be departing to Zurich and then to Chicago to be back in class the following day). A very put-out Italian ticket salesman has just spent several minutes being yelled at by a big fat American jerk who couldn't believe the Italian didn't speak any English. Feeling like a jerk myself for not knowing any more Italian than "Do you speak English" I walked up to the window, put on sweetest smile paired with my best Italian accent, leaned over and basically squeezed my girls together to try and soften him up. Turns out the guy spoke perfect English! All it took was a little innocent persuasion that only us females can manage.
So in conclusion, I apologize if my previous post was too personal and I guess this one is also pretty heavy on the boob talk but I swear, it won't happen again. For a while. Probably.
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