Thursday, June 2, 2011

(dog) slumberparty

Ah, the joys of pets! They play, they frolic, they roll around on the floor acting cute doing anything they can to get your attention and affection. They shed, they gnaw, they spill their food and water on the floor, they drink out of the toilet and get the seat wet so the poor unsuspecting soul who has to wee next get's a wet tush ... And then they invite their friends over for a pup-slumber party and things get even crazier!

Yes, we are dog-sitting this week. And yes, she is a good dog, plays nicely with Midnight, is primarily disinterested in the baby (which I deem a good thing) and really isn't too much more work than just having the one dog.

But here is the hiccup: She does not sleep at night. She licks, she pants, she scratches, she whines, she wanders the halls, does everything but sleep ... I guess she misses her home and her parents. It reminds me of when we were kids and had slumber parties and inevitably there was always one kid who cried and missed their mom and had to go home at like 1am and sort of ruined things for everyone else, especially for the parents!

Of course I'd never considered it from the parents point of view before, but for the family hosting the party they've all the sudden got to deal with a bunch of other people's kids who were raised with different rules, have different idiosyncrasies and could turn out to be whiny wimps when it comes to actually sleeping at someones house (something you won't discover until everyone is exhausted and it's bedtime). And then there's the poor parents who were duped into thinking they actually had the night off for a change until the phone rings at 12:45am and they've suddenly got to drag their butts out of bed and go schlep to pick up their kid. I applaud my parents for letting me have so many friends sleep over, you guys were troopers!

I guess Jeff and I will suck it up as most parents do and host slumber parties one day too. In the meantime, we've got one more night of doggie slumber partying to get through and then we will breathe a sigh of relief as all parents do when they close the front door after their guest has left and life returns to the normal level of insanity.

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