Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sick, just sick

First let me apologize for my absence, it's been a while and my wonderful fans have been very patient with me but I can put you off no longer.

Asa has been sick since oh, I don't know ... FEBRUARY. After our millionth visit to the pediatrician it was decided the time to see a specialist had arrived and that our little dude's unending ear infections needed to be dealt with. This wasn't a shock to us, after all he has been sick for three months, but hearing a doctor say 'your son's hearing is in jeopardy' really shook me up. I had all these pangs of hurt imagining a world where my baby can't hear the song of the birds he loves so much or the barking dogs that crack him up, or to not know the sound of his own voice, or mine. It killed me. I cried on the way home from the pediatrician that afternoon, silently so he wouldn't know something was wrong. It's amazing how good I've become at crying without making any noise. Is this a skill that everyone cultivates or is it only me that is ashamed of tears?

At any rate, after several painful antibiotic shots and a visit to a pediatric ENT, I have come to terms with this surgery and am hopeful that it will put an end to the countless ear infections and painful ear tugging our little dude has tolerated these several months. And thank goodness I came to terms with it because within 4 hours of accepting that Asa will have surgery, I became very sick myself.

I have been on an adventure that many breast feeding mothers suffer called Mastitis. The gist of it is that I have managed to get (thanks to my cute baby) a bacterial infection in my breast which has caused my entire body to react as if I have the flu. Body aches, shakes, high fever (104.7 folks), nausea, dizziness, lightheaded ... My skin actually hurts. It's ridiculous. And after two days, my antibiotics haven't improved my situation so I headed to the doctor thinking in my mind "I've got a staph infection". And sure enough, the doctor tells me I've got a staph infection. So new antibiotic, painkillers (which aren't really working) and if I'm not improved by tomorrow morning I'm headed in for an appointment with radiology and then a consultation with the doctors again.

So I guess this has been a medical blog today but since it's honestly all I've had on my mind the last few days, this is the best I could do. To all the moms who've suffered through clogged ducts and mastitis and thrush and pushed through the pain and kept nursing, hats off to you. I'm still trying but this is really pushing me to my absolute limit. Will keep you posted and may actually have a funny story to tell as well so stay tuned!

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