Monday, June 20, 2011

Zzz, sleep walking

Babies make me tired. I mean, I love my baby, he's a cute, sweet, funny, drooling little doll, but he wears me out. The good news is, I think we wear him out too.

Yesterday, for Father's Day, we had a few friends over for a cookout. Thinking that a 4pm start time would mean we'd have a well rested baby just up from his afternoon nap, we told everyone we'd be serving up steak by around 5pm. Of course, any and every time we try to plan something Asa likes to remind us who is really in charge by totally breaking with whatever his usual habits are and throwing us a curve ball. Yesterdays curve ball came when he decided to completely skip having an afternoon nap.

He's never done that before. He's certainly taken an early nap, a late nap, an abbreviated nap, an interrupted nap ... but no nap? No way. Until yesterday. He was a champ though, and wasn't really very fussy or anything, until right around 5pm when we were just about ready to serve up dinner. Jeff took over feeding Asa his dinner while I worked out getting food out to the guests and before I knew it, Asa and Jeff had disappeared upstairs for his bedtime. At 5:30pm.

Asa has never gone to bed at 5:30 before. 6pm yes but 5:30? Yikes. Apparently his head was rolling around while Jeff tried to feed him in his lap, the result of his actually falling asleep mid-bite ... So Jeff called it and put him down. We were a bit nervous we'd have a wide awake and well rested baby in the wee hours of the morning but no! Our little dude slept all the way through until his normal wake up time, and in fact, he was sort of roused awake by us opening his bedroom door and going about the morning routine in the house, so that the background noise eventually woke him at about 6:15. It was pretty great.

We all got a solid nights rest and woke up feeling refreshed. Thank goodness Asa learned the family mantra, 'play hard, sleep hard', at such a young age.

And, as an update, he is now walking up to several feet at a time before either purposefully sitting down or just plain face-planting into a crawl to complete his intended route. It's really cool and he's definitely enjoying his emerging bi-pedial tendencies.

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