Friday, April 29, 2011

sharing is caring

This is a phrase that we said all the time in Japan. I think it's from Sesame Street or something like that but whatever, we brought the lesson into adulthood and taught our Japanese friends the saying. I am proud and pleased to announce that my little boy has officially learned this lesson as well.

This morning at daycare, for the first time ever, Asa didn't seem to want me to set him down. As soon as his butt hit the floor he turned to me, arms raised, warble in his voice, asking me to pick him back up. I did. Twice. But each time I tried to set him down again he complained. And then, bless her little heart, Audrey, a tiny, adorable little one year old came toddling over with a soft stuffed doggie and handed it to Asa and I. She shared with him and it touched my heart. And then, to my great pleasure, Asa handed his toy to Audrey, returning the favor and saying thank you in the most selfless and sweetest of ways.

Seeing the two of them sharing, Audrey trying to soothe an upset baby (and mommy, I'm not gonna lie, the parting was hard on me too) with a stuffed toy, and Asa, thanking her and being soothed by her kind nature ... Well it was straight out of Disney. All that was missing was the little blue bird singing his happy song on our shoulder.

So thank you Audrey, for making our morning brighter.

And PS - Kate & William, congrats on the wedding! The dress was beautiful!

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