Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cheerios, God's gift to Mom's

What is it about kids and Cheerios? Is it universal or is it an American thing? If Cheerios were the size of doughnuts would they still love them? If they were crispy like a potato chip how would that affect their popularity? What if we made them purple? Or if they smelled like Swiss Cheese? What is it about the Cheerio that has made it the perfect baby food? And did the inventor know what she was doing at the time? Huh, maybe that's where that phrase, "Necessity is the mother of invention" came from. A desperate mother, worn down from being the sole source of food for her infant devotes hours of experimentation in the kitchen to find an alternative to the breast ... and voila, the Cheerio is born! Thank you nameless mother of the past for your stroke of pure, edible genius! Asa thanks you too!

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