Saturday, April 23, 2011

I'm sorry, I didn't know

It has come to my attention that not everyone understands the subtle language of sarcasm. Having been fluent in sarcasm for as long as I can remember (thanks mom & dad), it never occurred to me what a gift it is to be bilingual and how difficult and unfunny life must be for those who aren't.

To my readers who think I'm not funny - I am funny.  To my readers who took me seriously when I wrote a post about possibly being Schizophrenic - I'm not.

Now that we've cleared that up I'll try offering a little tutorial on how to spot sarcasm. When I say something that you really can't believe a normal person would say, odds are I'm being sarcastic. When I say something that  just doesn't make sense no matter how you try, it's a safe bet it's sarcasm again.  If I were to say anything about loving "The View", Sasha Baron Cohen or the Academy Awards, it would be sarcasm.  So the following sentence should basically reek of sarcasm to you now: This morning on my favorite show, The View, Whoopie was interviewing Sasha Baron Cohen (my all time favorite actor, who doesn't love Bruno??) about his upcoming appearance on the Academy Awards ... Man I wish I could be there!!

It reeks. It stinks. It oozes. Sarcasm. It's gotten me far in life. I believe it's also referred to as a sharp tongue or a biting whit. I like these phrases as well. So study up friends and soon you'll see why my blog has the world craving more!

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