Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dorothy's Wisdom

I'm a huge fan of the Golden Girls and I have been since they debuted in the 80's. I used to watch them with my grandma when I would stay over at her house and then somehow in college I picked it up again. In fact my roommate and I had "do you like Golden Girls" as one of our interview questions when looking for a third roommate. When we found a girl who answered yes we figured it was a match made in heaven (we were totally wrong on that count but whatever, the house burned down and we didn't have to live with her after that).

Anyway, these days I've got every episode on DVD and pretty much every line of every episode memorized. If it wasn't so nerdy I'd probably reference them in conversation far more often than I do but I like to at least attempt an air of coolness so I often hold my tongue. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm a closet fan though. I did at one point own a Golden Girls tee, which was lost but I'd love to replace it and if they come up in conversation I'm quick to rush to their defense (not that they need any defense, their sublimeness should speak for itself).

My point is, right now Asa is upstairs crying himself to sleep for a very late afternoon nap. It breaks my heart and drives me nuts having to listen to his little cries even though I can tell by his tone that they are unsubstantiated and mostly just overly tired wails that will quickly wind down into a peaceful snooze. It also reminds of a line that Dorothy delivered to Blanche where she commented, "It isn't easy being a mother, if it were, fathers would do it.".

Hats off to all of my fellow mothers who know how true that statement is and to all the fathers, sisters, brothers, grandmothers and grandfathers who help us weather the hard times.

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