Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wine & Whine

Back in the days before Asa was born my girlfriends and I would get together most Sunday evenings and a have weekend wrap-up event we called "Wine & Whine". It was a fantastic idea born from the trials and tribulations of being single ladies in a town over-run with a glut of other single ladies and serious lack of suitable male counterparts.

Bottles of wine would be opened, snacks would be eaten and we would laugh, bitch, cry and console each other as only true girlfriends can. Someone had the genius idea of introducing a gigantic pad of paper and markers into the mix so we could "whiteboard' our problems out and save the notes to review at future Wine & Whines.

These Sunday's were truly some of the best in my life. Then I got pregnant and couldn't keep my eyes open past 7:30 ... Jen moved to Germany. Riara had a baby ... We all found ourselves wrapped up in new lives that kept us from coming together every Sunday like we had for those couple of years.

It's been near 3 years since our last Wine & Whine. Being a mom still sucks away so much of the time I used to spend on myself (oh, the glory days). But I've realized that wine is not just for the single ladies. It is also extremely well-suited to the mommy crowd.  Many is the night I've drank my wine on the couch watching Cougar Town and missing my girlfriends. But no longer, it's time to get organized moms. It's time to get serious. It's time to plan some Wine & Whine events again. This time the babies will do the whining while we do the wine-ing. I think it's fantastic and I'll host. The first event is March 2nd. Anyone is welcome, kids, moms, ladies without kids. Men are welcome too but they are in charge of the kids.

Let's raise a glass together ladies!

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