Monday, August 8, 2011

from Asa

dear momma,

please don't feel hurt by the fact that i currently seem to love trucks more than i love you, it's probably just a passing phase and you'll be my favorite again soon.  i know that trucks don't feed me, cuddle me, read me stories, wipe my bootie or sing me songs like you do. but did you know that trucks can roll?? and they go vroom-vroom, beep-beep, and wee-ohh wee-ohh!  also, sometimes trucks drive up my leg and over my belly when you are around, and other times they line up together from biggest to smallest ... it's really neat! i mean, there are just so many dimensions to a truck's personality, i never know what to expect other than to be amazed and excited.

so again, don't be sad, i still love you it's just that trucks can give me so much more than you can right now. but please when we get home will you sit and watch me play trucks because it's definitely not as fun to play without an audience and let's face it, you are the best audience i could ask for.


ps - i also like climbing trees with you and bear, let's try that again soon.

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