Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Totally Random

Saturday Night Live - Iran So Far - Video -

Above is a link to a song from 2007 that SNL's Andy Samberg and Adam Levine (of Maroon 5 fame) put together. It's fairly funny but that's not why I'm sharing it. I think I'm sharing it for two reasons: 1) I'm bored and 2) I'm astounded at how impertinent we as Americans can be. I'm not saying that the jerk president of Iran deserves any respect but the man does have a sh*t-ton of weapons and I tend to think it's best not to make fun of people who can literally blow your a** up. What's ironic is that in this song they are making all sorts of homosexual innuendo that might involve metaphorically blowing someone's a** up. I love irony.

Another thing I love is this song that until today I'd only heard a snippet of. The song is called "Fuck You" and I always assumed it was sung by some puny little white guy (PLWG) like the aforementioned Adam Levine. It turns out the song is sung by this huge wide black guy (HWBG) called Cee Lo Green. I learned this last night while watching network television. A commercial came on for some show where people sing for famous musicians who can't see them and have to judge them by voice alone. Some big wide white guy (BWWG) sang the "Fuck You" song and then a HWBG said he just had to see who sung it because that was his song. And I was like, "Wha'??". And so this morning I googled it and sure enough, there's a dude called Cee Lo Green who sings this song and he's the very same HWBG from TV last night.

So the moral of the story is: Don't mess with guys who have WMD's and don't judge a book by it's cover or it's voice. Another moral of the story is that I'm even further behind on my Americana Pop Culture knowledge than I thought.

Here is a link to the very catchy Cee Lo Green song, "FUCK YOU".

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